Study Psalm 119
In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.
(Psa 119:14)
Because as you learn more of Torah, you learn more of YHVH. As you delight in His righteous rules, you delight in Him. Psalm 119 hardly misses a verse without mentioning His law, statutes, precepts, testimonies, commandments, and ways. We are to truly delight in the Torah. Psalm 119 will develop in you a greater appreciation for the precious Torah.
I could fill this post with nothing but Scriptures illustrating the importance and the blessing of delighting in the Torah.
Psalm 1 tells us that the blessed man meditates on the Torah day and night. That is an all consuming occupation! Do we think on and try to understand the Torah during the day, and when we lie in bed at night? Do we examine ourselves to see if we are lining up with Torah? Do we smile as we read it? Are we excited to share it with others?
Do we think about the Author of the Torah day and night? Do we examine ourselves to see if we are behaving as He would? Do we smile when we think of Him? Are we excited to share Him with others?
Do you see the correlation? To love the Torah is to love YHVH! To love YHVH is to love Torah!
This love needs to involve desire, delight, joy. We do not keep the Torah because it hasn’t been done away with and it’s the right thing to do. We keep the Torah because we want to! We can’t get enough of it! We desire YHVH and His ways! The intimacy and delight that is supposed to be found in marriage is to be a picture of our relationship with YHVH. Do you desire Him that much? Do you want to hear what He has to say? Do you wake up in the morning and whisper a thank you for the new day? Do you compare everything in your day to Torah? Do you squeal just a bit when He shows you something new in Torah? Are you giddy like a teenager when you discuss His precepts?
In previous posts, we have talked quite a bit about repentance and shame. We need to spend the time to really feel sorry for our sin.
It is not for your sake that I will act, declares the Lord GOD; let that be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your ways, O house of Israel.
(Eze 36:32)
YHVH will do what He says whether we delight in Him or not. He will keep His promises though we have sinned against Him. His actions are not based on our actions. But I don’t want this verse to define my relationship with Him!
I want to delight in Him! I want to have an intimate connection with Him! I want to anticipate His thoughts and see things from His perspective. I want to delight in what He delights in, and He delights in Torah! What happens when we truly delight in Him?
Because he is devoted to Me I will deliver Him; I will keep him safe, for He knows My name. (Psa 91:14)
Psalm 91 describes a protection that is so complete that I won’t even stub my toe. (much appreciated
) But this kind of protection is given to those that are devoted to YHVH. This is not obligatory protection like we saw in Ezekiel. This is YHVH protecting those that delight in Him. Can I suggest that YHVH responds to the depth of our desire for Him? Would we not do the same? We love our children and give them everything they need. We delight in caring for them. But our love and delight for them is aroused when they wrap their arms around our neck and whisper, “I love you, Momma!” We are the same with our spouses. Everyday life can get rather humdrum as we do what needs to be done. We love our spouse, we care for them and help them. But our heart skips a beat when they say, “I’ve missed you! I’m addicted to you. I can’t get enough of you! I love you so much!”
YHVH wants that intimacy with us. So why read Psalm 119 to develop intimacy with YHVH? Torah is his heartthrob, His essence. To love and delight in YHVH, we must understand what “makes Him tick.” We must know what makes Him happy. His delights must be our delights.
I would encourage each of you to spend some time with Torah, learn to love Torah, meditate on it day and night, and you may be surprised to find out that you begin to spend more time with YHVH, learn to love Him, think about Him day and night.
Verses to ponder
- Psalm 119
- Psalm 91
- Psalm 1
- Torah!
- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
- Then read them again!
- Then read some more Psalms.