Quick update and a recipe

Hello again!

Update for torah school homeschoolers: Chayei Sarah is ready to go.  Please accept my sincerest apology for taking so long on this one.  I just learned that some families study the week prior to the reading of the torah portion.  I will try to avoid this delay in the future.

I would like to share my recipe for chili.  So many of you do such wonderful cooking and I enjoy your photos and recipes so much.  I am not typically one of those gifted women, my talents lie elsewhere.  But I will be referring to this recipe for torah school, and I thought you all might enjoy it.

Vegetarian Chili

1 c dry garbanzo beans
1 c dry kidney beans
1 c dry lentils

Throw all these in your crockpot and cover them with lots of water.  Cook on high until tender.  Drain, removing all liquid.  Throw them back in the crockpot.  Okay, you might not want to throw, per se.

2 cans diced tomatoes, or total of 28 oz. roughly, or 1 qt. home canned tomatoes
1 T chili powder
2 t season salt
1/2 t cayenne pepper
1/2 t sugar
1 t cumin

Stir in real good.  Turn on low or high, depending on how long until dinner.  You are really just heating through at this point.

Put corn chips in each bowl, top with chili, garnish with lots of shredded cheddar cheese.  Enjoy!

And there you have it, chili that doesn’t have meat, even though I have been asked what kind of meat I put in it.  The chickpeas have an amazing ability to make you think there is meat when there isn’t.

Have a great day!  I am off to bed, so I won’t get in trouble for staying up too late.  πŸ™‚

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3 Responses

  1. Dear Heidi, this sounds like a wonderful chili, adding the garbanzo beans and lentils sounds yummy. I will need to put this recipe on my list of recipes to try for sure.
    many blessings ~ Carmen
    p.s. I didn't realize you were the person running the Torah school.

  2. I'm not running it, I'm part of a team. There is or will be soon, a list of contributors at torah school so you can meet them. πŸ™‚ I'm not sure if it was posted yet.

  3. I know what is for supper tonight πŸ˜€
    Thank you for the recipe, and all that you do for Torah School =o)

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