Prep day followup

I didn’t quite make it before the 3:00 pm deadline, but here I am anyway.  Elisha and I got a little distracted.  I was trying to clean the living room floor, and decided to do it with a wet wash cloth.  Then I could practice crawling around, which will be good for baby positioning later on.  Well, Elisha was so excited that mommy was the same height as him, that we had to play for a little while. 
Isaac is of course sword fighting in this picture lol!
I am doing quite well on my list.  I still need to prepare the enchiladas and the barley for breakfast.  I also need to load the dishwasher after dinner.  Baths are half done right now.  Otherwise we are in good shape.
Shabbat Shalom to everyone!  I hope you had a productive prep day, and will be able to fully enter into the rest and peace of Shabbat. 

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5 Responses

  1. πŸ™‚ Heidi…I love a peek into your days…and who can resist crawling around with a little… ;0)

  2. Welcome, Sarah! I hope you visit often.

    Andi, it was adorable with Elisha trying to crawl on top of me. And then I tried to get up lol! My belly grew an inch while eating dinner, and feels like a balloon about to pop!

  3. I am so glad you posted anyway! πŸ™‚ Do you think we should make the deadline just a little later? Like 4 or 5? I would love your opinion.
    Shabbat Shalom and Much Love, p

  4. Hi Hidie,
    I just read you post on my blog so I wanted to stop by and see your's.
    Thank you so much for the comment. It is so encouraging to me to hear from my readers like you.

    I to prepare for the Sabbath much like you.
    I call it my Firday chores.
    I wrtie the list of all the cleaning to be done. The kids each pick chores they can do and away they go at it!
    we do not do shool that day. It is for cleaning and preaparing for Sabbath. ( we start our school week on Sunday to make up for it)

    I will visit your bolg more.
    Keep up the great work!!

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