My Little Torah Books

Yeah!  The next My Little Torah Book is ready!  Holly and I have worked long and hard on these drawings.  She loves to draw and has such a good time doing it.  I hope you and your children enjoy this little book.  It is all about YHVH’s creation, particularly the people in a little child’s world.

Download: YHVH made me

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6 Responses

  1. Oh I would love to see it… the link didn't take me to the pdf but a page that said:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /uploads/23eef48712.pdf was not found on this server.

    Please double check to see if it's the wrong link or my pc.


  2. Hi Heidi~
    It works now, so sweet are these little Torah book creations, thank you so much for sharing!!

    Your children did a wonderful job in illustrating it!

  3. Heidi,
    These are wonderful! Tell Holly she is doing a great job as your illisutrator and that we are looking forward to seeing more of here work int he future!

    We do a similar thing, but never thought to put it in a PDF and share it. What a teachers gift and servants heart you have!

    Much Love, p

  4. Thanks, ladies! Naomi can't be left out. She drew the world and flowers, but Holly has the passion for art. I'm glad to give her a purpose for it, rather than filling all my printer paper with her drawings! The one we are working on is about kosher.

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