Torah Family Living

After much prayer and consideration, I have decided to start a facebook page. The title is Torah Family Living, and it is a place for fun quizzes, links to great articles, and other resources to help you include Torah in your family’s everyday life.
If you are on facebook, please be sure to head over and “like” it for me. Be sure to leave your answer to the Torah Portion Scavenger Hunt. Have fun, and thanks for your support. Tell your friends, too. There’s a direct link to my page in the right sidebar.

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3 Responses

  1. Facebook is a wonderful tool to reach people – however, I am not on (and don't think I will unless Yah is loud and clear in directing me there). I always question my time on the computer and have to keep it under great decisipline. So I hope you will link your things her one the blog!

    Much Love, p

  2. Pam – I totally agree on the computer time. I was dead set against facebook, but YHVH put it on my heart to get out of my comfort zone and reach out. I am trying to keep a strict schedule on the computer. You should be able to read most everything in the thingie in my sidebar. It's all short little things. πŸ™‚

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