Sukkah Pictures!

I have the first round of sukkah pictures for you to vote on. You may use whatever criteria you want to decide which one you like the best. The winner will be on the cover of the next edition of Torah Family e-magazine.
# 2
# 3
# 4
Please vote by number in the comments. Thanks! Wow, I can’t wait for Sukkot!

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6 Responses

  1. Oh they are all so creative! I think if I had to pick just one it would be #2

    Great Sukkah!

  2. I love number 4. It reminds me of camping in Oberon at a friends farm before we lived up here. Good times!
    I too am finding myself excited about sukkot! It feels like it's being too long since Our last feast. I'm also excited as this will be Zephaniahs first feast and our first feast as a family of six. Plus I always find the few months after a baby is born is a deep spiritual time between Yehovah and me.
    Love your Torah family mag Heidi, thank you for all your effort and time to put it together!
    Luv Donna

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