What is Torah family living?

What is Torah family living? What does it look like?
It will look slightly different in every family, but there are common factors. The main idea is to take the principles found in Torah very seriously and seek to apply them on a daily basis. There is much more in Torah than Sabbath and the Feast Days.

For example, let’s start with eating kosher. When I plan a menu, there will obviously be no pork, shellfish, or flamingo in the meal.

But let’s take it a step further. What do I do when one of my children yells, “Mommy, she hit me!” I need to investigate further because Torah teaches us to get two witnesses before doling out punishment. What if I can’t secure two witnesses? I do not punish, but I take the opportunity to remind my children to behave in a just and honoring way.

The concept of honor is very important in Torah. We are to value people. We should seek to do what is best for them. We are to treat them the way we want to be treated. There is no better place to practice honor than in the home. If we are trying to honor our family members, we will automatically rescue Jimmy’s bike if he left it out in the rain. Sure, he should have put it away, but honor helps out anyway.

Once we realize that Torah applies to all of life, then we have entered the realm of Torah family living. Let the blessings begin!

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