Rubber boot homeschool week #9


I went over to Restoration of Torah Mimistries and downloaded the children’s parsha study. This week, we have been studying Rebekah at the well. I love this story. It was the theme of the sermon at our wedding.

homeschoolThe study is laid out very nicely. It tells you which verses to read, and then asks questions, and helps you draw thematic connections. Rebekah was thematically connected to Abraham because they were both quick and generous in their hospitality. They also were both promised a multitude of descendants. We learned that we should always look for opportunities to be hospitable. We never know if our hospitality is a test of our character, and we definitely want to pass!

I would encourage you to try one of Tony Robinson’s studies in your homeschool this week. It took us two days to complete, and was comprehensible to Isaac at 6.

Naomi usually reads the portion with My First Torah. This is the portion for each week, written for beginning readers. I wrote these, hoping to publish them in a book, but YHVH had other plans. I hope you will make use of them. We are printing each week and putting them in page protectors in a three ring binder.

I also try to give the kids copywork each week. I try to have verses from the Torah portion. Any I have completed you can find here. This week we did copywork of character building poems and quotes. The kids loved that when they were done with the copywork, they had a picture to color!


Momma has been rather excited about this one this week. We bought a book titled “Lifelike Drawing with Lee Hammond.”

Look what I drew!

Holly is also excited to learn how to draw better.

Be on the look out for a curriculum review in December! Naomi is helping me work on a review for on online reading program. More on that later!

My thought for this week

When I feel overwhelmed with the “impossible” that I need to get down, I think I’ll give it a go anyways. If I actually accomplish the “impossible,” I think I’ll feel like a superhero! Praise YHVH! With Him, all things are possible!

Well, that’s it for this week. We had a shortened week, but it was still productive. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend and a restful Shabbat!


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4 Responses

  1. You amaze me at all you get done. With a 4 and 6 year old I already and trying to break our routine and get MORE torah in our days. Thank you for the links. I have never found the Restoration ministry before and I LOVE your torah protion for beginning readers. You have such a beautiful gift!!! Thanks for the inspiration and the informaion to keep increasing our studies! Have a wonderful Shabbat!

    1. Thanks, Abbey! YHVH is so good! He helps us every step of the way. I’m glad you are finding everything helpful. It gives me the motivation to post next week’s portion lol!

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