Torah life lessons – Toldot

Just a few thoughts for us to apply from this week’s Torah portion: Toldot.

  • Pregnancy is a time for deep reflection and perhaps a personal message from YHVH!
  • The best things come to those who wait.
  • Being the oldest can be overrated.
  • Our children are individuals, right from the womb.
  • I like the quiet life, dwelling in tents. YHVH wants us to enjoy our home life, not constantly look for ways to get out of the home.
  • When you go out hunting, pack a lunch!
  • toldotWe should not let our stomachs control us. Many mistakes can be made under the influence of hunger pangs.
  • Avoid the mistakes of your father, don’t repeat them!
  • Don’t tell anyone that your wife is your sister! It’s just not a good plan!
  • Following the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob brings blessings a hundredfold.
  • Avoid conflict. Don’t fight over things. YHVH will provide.
  • When YHVH speaks to you, answer Him with worship.
  • As much as is in your power, make and keep peace with your neighbors.
  • When YHVH tells you something, act on it and do what is right, no matter what.
  • When someone has goatskins on their arms, question it.
  • The early bird catches the worm.
  • Your actions should not be controlled by spite.

Shabbat Shalom! What did you learn from Toldot this week?

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