A little tour

Many of you are joining us more recently. I’m so glad you are here. I thought I’d take you on a quick tour so that you know what is available to you here.

First, I’d like to point out that I do all I can to make the resources available for free. I do this by using affiliate links in posts and the sidebar, and through the sale of my ebook. I’m very thankful for your support. Please be just and fair as you use these materials by linking back here and giving credit to the author. You are also welcome to make a donation with the button in the sidebar.

The heart of the resources is the Torah portion printables. You will find copywork and My First Torah, a beginner reader version of each Torah portion that you can print out. This project is not complete yet, but I’m working diligently to fill everything in. Please be forgiving if I fall behind or miss something. I am a momma to six children, and they come first.

You will also find printable stories that little children will enjoy. Each one will help you teach your children about Torah.

Have you begun learning Hebrew? We are just starting a page with resources to help you with that. It is an exciting journey.

Would you like to do some reading? On this page, you will find a list of some of our more noteworthy articles, with more to be added.

Do you have someone in your family on the Autism spectrum? We do, too. I have a blog devoted to learning about ASD and how it can be handled with Torah principles. This is not frequently updated, but I hope you will find the information helpful.

Have you discovered our quarterly magazine? Each PDF issue is full of reading for the whole family. There is a short story, an interview with a Torah keeping family, articles, and fun stuff for the kids. Enjoy! The next issue will hopefully be available at the end of February or maybe the beginning of March.

Well, I think that should get you started. I hope you enjoy your time here, and if there is anything I can do to help, don’t be afraid to ask. I love chatting with each of you. You can find me on facebook, or email me at sheepmommy @ yahoo. com.


Have a great day, and Shalom!

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