The seat for Elijah

Every year at Passover, we set an extra place at the table for Elijah. During the seder, we go to the door and call for Elijah to join us.

What if someone was on the other side of the door? What would I do?

What if it wasn’t Elijah, but Yahshua knocking on my door?

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
(Rev 3:20)

Would he be dressed in regular clothes, looking like a neighbor? Would I recognize Him?

Would I fall on my face and worship my Savior?

Would I invite Him to join our Passover meal?

Would I be afraid to let Him in my house because of the mess? Would He find leaven still in my home?

Would I be like Martha, rushing around tending to the jobs behind the scenes?

Would I be like Mary, listening at His feet?

No matter what, I have come to realize that He wants to come to my house everyday. He sees what my home looks like, from the physical appearance to the emotional atmosphere. There are no secrets I can keep from Him. Yahshua will not be surprised to walk into my house, but I may be surprised to find Him at my door.

This Passover, I want to be the first in line at the door when we call for Elijah. I want to always be ready to welcome him into my home and life, whether in my heart or physically in my home.

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