At our house

When you hear a redwinged blackbird sing, you know everything will be okay.

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This was our front yard only a few days ago. Everything was white and getting to the barn involved a knee deep trek. Doug had some difficulties in the wonderful world of aviation, and we used the tractor to tow his truck into the driveway twice. But then the warm front came through (did I tell you that Doug could have been a meteorologist if he didn’t become a pilot?)






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I’m very grateful that it warmed up when it did. We have had several babies arrive in the last couple weeks. We now have 9 babies out in the barn: 3 hair sheep, 5 wool sheep, and a goat kid.





We had to help twin lambs, and had them in the house for several days (in the dog kennel lol.) They are now safely moved to the barn, never wandering very far from their bucket mommy. I take fresh milk out to them twice a day.

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Since our first goat kid arrived a few days ago, I will start milking next week. I lock the babies up at night and milk the does in the morning. Then mommy and baby can spend all day together.

I also have been doing some knitting for hire lately. I used to have an online business, but I closed up shop when we starting homeschooling. I’ve  never been sorry, but I enjoy the opportunity to do a little knitting or dying here and there to bring in a little income. (I’m saving my pennies to get high speed internet. YAY!)

We have been doing well in school. The kids each have a list of exactly how many pages to complete in each book and then they get summer vacation! I’m also excited that a friend of mine in Nevada is going to begin homeschooling. We plan to use video chat to share school projects like science experiments and art. I’m also having a great time building my new blog My Simple Delights, which happens to be all about homeschooling and homemaking. It’s hard to divide the two sometimes lol.

We are working very diligently to prepare for Passover. I have a burning desire to have my house clean for Pesach. We plan to have family over and host the seder in our garage. That is a huge project right there, but we got a lot done this Sunday. Now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I managed to get a pretty good picture of me. Would you like to see?

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For those of you following our journey with Asperger’s Syndrome, we are enjoying a much more peaceful atmosphere. It’s not perfect, but I’d venture a guess that no one’s home life is. I’m reading as much as I can, and am starting to understand what is going on inside their heads. And you know what? Sometimes, changing the way I communicate makes a big difference in their response. Imagine that! Well, the Torah teaches us that love is all about doing what is best for the other person. Sometimes that requires a change from me. Smile

Well, that’s a little peek into our house. I hope each of you are enjoying a closer walk with YHVH than you had before. Many blessings to you, and a special welcome to those that are new here!

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2 Responses

  1. We have have not had a single snow like that all winter up here in ND. It has been so strange, a blessing in some ways but we must keep praying for moisture some where.

    I am getting excited for Passover too, the cleaning gets rough but it feels so good to have it done. I just ordered a haggadah that you recommended– last year I pieced one together from a couple I had but would love to have another option.

    You amaze me at all you get done! Knitting projects and all. If you are ever seeking a project or two let me know and I would be a customer for a couple little projects. I would love to learn to knit but dont have access to a teacher and I am not sure it is something I can learn from youtube and Pinterest!
    Bless you all!

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