My Good for Nothing




What are you good for, my brave little man?

Answer that question for me, if you can.

You, with your fingers as white as a nun,

You, with your ringlets as bright as the sun.

All the day long, with your busy contriving,

Into all mischief and fun you are driving;

See if your wise little noddle can tell

What you are good for. Now ponder it well.

Over the carpet the dear little feet

Came with a patter to climb on my seat;

Two merry eyes, full of frolic and glee,

Under their lashes looked up unto me;

Two little hands pressing soft on my face,

Drew me down close in a loving embrace;

Two rosy lips gave the answer so true,

“Good to love you, mamma, good to love you.”

Emily Huntington Miller

Mommas, enjoy those little boys, and gently guide them into manhood.

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2 Responses

  1. Oh Yes! Because they will be MEN before you know it… cherish the moments, redeem the time… and love on them!

    1. So true, Andi! I’m grateful that this poem describes all my boys, but, boy are they growing fast! (no pun intended lol)

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