True religion

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
(Jas 1:27)

YHVH has been so good to me. He gave me loving parents that took good care of me and raised me to love and serve my Heavenly Father. I have been blessed with a husband that provides for me and loves me more than his own life. He provides for and enjoys his children. I am not surprised that YHVH calls us to care for those that no longer have that man in their lives. We are asked to come alongside the widow, the orphan and care for them in some small way to ease their journey.

Death is no respecter of persons, so widows and orphans can be found everywhere. They are in my local homeless shelter, my neighbor’s house, the garbage cities of Egypt and the railway stations in India. The only question is: What am I doing for them?

If I do not care for the innocent, the rejected, the sorrowing, the needy, my faith means nothing.

We have found some wonderful ministries that put their heart and soul into caring for widows and orphans. We have been thrilled at the opportunity to help them in some way. Sometimes we are only able to send up prayers for provisions and protection. Yet, that is no small thing. We are calling on the One that owns the cattle on a thousand hills. And sometimes He uses us to provide in a more tangible way. We would like to share these ministries with you today. And we would also ask you to share with us the ministries that you are blessed to help. Every prayer, coin, or piece of clothing that is given to widows and orphans is a small symbol of the Heavenly Father’s love for them. They are not forgotten. They are loved. They are valued.

First, we would like to introduce you to Ron and Paula Charles from The C.U.B.I.T. Foundation. They actively support widows and orphans in countries like Egypt. These women and children are the result of Islam’s view of women. When the man of the house dies, the widow is thrown on the street. They gather in garbage dumps. Ron and Paula and others go in and provide food and clean water to them. Many have come to trust the Messiah as a result. Be sure to check out their site and see all the work they are involved in. We particularly like to give to the bags of hope project.

Next, we travel to India, where I was pleased to come across an orphanage through mutual friends. Great Commission Gospel Ministries or GCGM, takes in street children. These children don’t know who their parents are and are trying to feed themselves in whatever way possible, including pickpocketing. Rev. Srikanth and his wife and children are currently caring for about 35 children. They are feeding and clothing these children and sending some to school. They have Shabbat services and are taught to pray to the God of the Bible. But feeding about 40 people each month and keeping a roof over their heads takes funds. When you visit the site, you will see pictures of the beautiful children and a list of expenditures for each month. You can also find them on facebook. We were humbled by the grateful and content attitudes of these children as they eat their rice and vegetables.

If you would like to get involved with either of these ministries, they both take Paypal donations at their sites. They also greatly covet the prayers of YHVH’s people. And don’t forget the needy right in your own neighborhood. Many local organizations take donations in the form of clothes, food, blankets, etc. We have even given toys and stuffed animals in the past. It means a lot to a child who is having a rough time in life.

May YHVH bless these widows and orphans in a special way. I know He blesses us as we reach out a hand to them.

Do you have a ministry you like to help out with that cares for widows and orphans? Please share it with us in the comments!

PS I wanted to share pics, but you will have to go to their sites to see the people they are helping. 🙂

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