Our India box

We had a delightful time this afternoon making an “India” box. We will put our change in it, and then send the money to GCGM orphanage in India.


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We started with a box from dishwasher detergent packs. Then the kids drew pictures of things that make them think of India. We have tigers, elephants, Indian flags, bowls of food, monkeys, etc. We also printed a map of India.

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I glued all the pictures on the box with a glue stick, to try to cover all of the box. Then I carefully covered the box with clear packing tape and cut a coin slot in the lid.

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And, viola! A fun way to be always mindful of those that need our help and prayers.

Does your family have an interesting way to help widows and orphans and those in need? Please share! Smile

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2 Responses

    1. I have several Torah observant friends on facebook. Two of them just spent three months there helping at an orphanage. I’m friends with the director of the orphanage and often chat with him to see how the children are doing. I like being able to support ministries where we can communicate with the people directly. We as a family also put a huge emphasis on ministries that help widows and orphans.

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