
Our home is in full gear getting ready for Chanukah. We are planning the treats we will make and counting down the days.

There has been some controversy about Chanukah because it is not listed as a biblical feast. The “miracle” of the oil cannot be substantiated with historical evidence. The nine candle menorah is not found in Scripture. These are legitimate concerns, so I would like to share our approach to Chanukah.

First of all, we try to teach our children truth. We see no need to teach them legends when the truth is so incredibly exciting. So I have written the story of the Maccabees in a way that is appropriate for children. “Jonathon’s Story” recounts the true story of the Maccabean Revolt in 8 chapters, one for each day of Chanukah. You will be carried off with the faith, the emotion, the victories. Each day also has a few activities to enjoy together as a family. Great heroes are worth learning about, and it’s great to have fun while you learn.

ChanukahWe have a Chanukah menorah that was a gift to our family. We put seven candles in instead of nine. And, yes, Chanukah is mentioned more than once in Scripture. Can you find them? (Hint: look for the month of Kislev and the Feast of Lights.)

Below, you will find links to “Jonathon’s Story” one chapter at a time. You will also find some links in each post. These are cool things that may enhance your Chanukah celebration. I am assuming discernment on your part. Not every link will be a good fit for your family, and that’s totally fine. Take what you like and leave the rest behind.

I hope you will join us for a great time celebrating Chanukah this year!

This is a reprint from 2011.


Jonathon’s Story chapter 1

Jonathan’s Story chapter 2

Jonathan’s Story chapter 3

Jonathan’s Story chapter 4

Jonathan’s Story chapter 5

Jonathan’s Story chapter 6

Jonathan’s Story chapter 7

Jonathan’s Story chapter 8

The entire story is available in PDF for our email subscribers, as well as a printable to help you discuss Torah principles with your children during storytime. Sign up below.

Join us on Pinterest for more great ideas to celebrate with your family.

Our Chanukah playlist

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9 Responses

  1. Shalom Heidi- Our family read Jonathon’s story last year and plan to again this year! Thank you for sharing and blessing us! We too only light a seven branch instead of the Hanukiah. The calendar looks great! I’m looking forward to your upcoming posts…


    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I’m so thankful for hearts in training! It’s like she reads my mind. Naomi was begging me to make her a calendar to count down to Chanukah! The rest of the Chanukah posts will start popping up in a few days. πŸ™‚

  2. We also only light seven candles… we do not have a “menorah”… we have several, lol… though, not your “typical” one… the kids have each made one, each unique and full of meaning for each one. We also have other “menorah’s” all over the house… made out of individual candles, with a big “Shamash” in the middle of smaller matching candles. Halea counted how many we have, imagine this… eight. She suggested we light an entire “menorah”, one each night of Chanukah… I like that =) May Abba teach us the true meaning, and how it applies to our daily lives… From the eldest to the tiniest =) Shalom, shalom!

    1. We tend to light all the candles, too. It’s probably because Doug is a bit quirky and wants all the candles burnt evenly lol! We’ve lit them the traditional way, too.

  3. Thank you for doing this, Heidi! This is our first year celebrating Chanukah, so we can use all the info and ideas we can get! Could you possibly include in one of your posts what your family did/does for each day of Chanukah? Also, where are all the references to Chanukah in the Bible? I know there is one in John about Yeshua observing the Feast of Dedication. Where are the others? Thank you again for all you do and I look forward to your posts!

  4. This is our first “real” year as well. So I’m really enjoying all your great info! Just printed out all 3 magazines, mounted the first page on cardstock and laminated the covers, then comb bound them. About to snuggle in with some tea and drink it all in!!

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