Shabbat Shalom – 12-28

This week I would like to share a poem with you. It was written by Sigalit Chana from Hearts in Training, and was originally printed in our Torah family emagazine. Enjoy and have a wonderful Shabbat!

Rest, my Beloved…Rest

Give no place to despondency…. it is not of our Great and Mighty King,
Yahweh, Elohim.

A dangerous temptation, refined as can be,
Not a gross temptation, nevertheless, of the Adversary.

Melancholy contracts and withers the spirit…
draining away the life that is in it.

Rendering it unfit to received the impressions of grace…
Blocking the view of my Beloved’s face.

Instead, it magnifies, and colors my world in dreary gray…
A tool of the Enemy, to lead astray.

It renders my burdens too heavy to bear…
the weight of the world, felt in my care.

But then… I hear the whisper…Rest, My Beloved, rest.
And as I turn, the burden seems less…

Infinitely wise, is this King of mine,
Beckoning me to come, and with Him, unwind.

Behold! Shabbat, an island in time!
May His face upon us, shine!

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