Torah family interview #4


This month, we will meet Pamela Matos. She and her husband are actively involved in a home ministry and delight in sharing with others the Hebrew roots of our faith. Sit down for a while and be encouraged. This article originally appeared in Torah family emagazine #4.

Tell us a little about yourself.

Well, I have been married to my wonderful husband Antonio for 45 yrs. We have 3 children, and 6 grand children. I was born and raised in Northeast Michigan. We moved around quite a lot as a result of my husband’s work. I first met Yeshuah in 1972, while in California. This is when I found my purpose for living! It has been an awesome journey ever since! I enjoy decorative painting, reading, and fellowshipping with other believers. Myhusband and I oversee the RESTORING THE LATTERHOUSE MINISTRIES based in Alpena, Ossineke, and Lewiston, Michigan. My greatest desire in life is to see people come to the full and accurate knowledge of the Messiah, and to train and equip the Saints as stated in Ephesians 4.

When and how did you begin your journey following Torah?

I always knew that something was missing in my understanding of the kingdom of God. I attended “church” regularly and saw so much error, manipulation and control over the people that, I longed for the TRUTH! It has been since the summer of “2009” that I was made aware of the Hebrew Roots of Christianity. I and my husband made the decision to “come out of Babylon” completely! We now understand how to love the LORD by keeping his commandments. We also celebrate the Feasts of Yehovah. What a joy and delight! My eyes were opened while I was watching some video’s concerning the Feasts of the Lord. Well, my life has never been the same since!

What truth really sealed the deal for you?

The truth about the Sabbath ! This was the one thing that struck me square in the face! It made perfect sense to me that Yah never goes back on his word. If He can change his mind and go back on his word, then none of us are safe! He is not a man that he should lie. He
is trustworthy and faithful to his word! There then is safety and complete trust in all of his In a world that is changing, it has been a great comfort to know that we are on an “unshakable” foundation.

What has been your greatest blessing since beginning this Torah journey?

Well, the greatest blessing has been having my eyes opened to all that Yah has for his people. The word has opened a whole new world to me. I can now understand fully how he works in the midst of his congregation. His plan and his purpose for the reuniting of the” WHOLE HOUSE” of Israel has brought full meaning to life! This seems to me as the most valuable understanding that will
bring meaning and purpose to those who are seeking Truth. Celebrating the Feasts has also been one of the greatest blessings as well. Understanding how Yeshuah fulfilled, and will fulfill them, is true Shalom! He is the Elohim of purpose and fulfillment in life!

What has been your biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge for me has been my family understanding our walk with Yah. We have went through much misunderstanding and harassment concerning the “old” testament. They are “Christians” in their belief system, but don’t really follow what THEY believe faithfully. The hardest thing is being misunderstood. I pray that the eyes of their understanding will be opened.

What does a typical Shabbat look like at your house?

We always prepare on the 6th day for all our needs on the Sabbath. When the sun goes down we eat our meal and watch a live Shabbat teaching. On the Sabbath we read our Torah Portion, watch a live Shabbat broadcast together. We sometimes meet at another home, and fellowship with each other and share meals. This is especially nice as we are a Home Group Ministry. Just to be able to shut the door on the world and be set apart to Yehovah is a delight! It is truly a day of rest!

At your season in life, what is your most significant contribution to the Messianic community?

Because my husband and I are retired, Actually “refired”, we now have more time to devote to the work of the kingdom. We lead a group in Ossineke at our home. To be able to do this in one accord has been the best contribution to the believers here, and wherever Yah calls us to. We are first and foremost servants in the body. Seeing the “light bulb” come on in their minds and hearts has been
the most gratifying of all. That is when we can all rejoice together! Hallelujah! Getting to know so many others of like faith is a pure joy!

What would you like to share with other believers?

I think the thing I would most like to share with other believers is the love of Yah. To encourage them to “go for it” in his name. I sometimes feel like a cheer leader in the Spirit! We all need to know how much he loves us and leads us in paths of Righteousness throughout our lives. Even when we don’t particularly measure up. Sometimes we need to know that He is a friend that sticks closer
than a brother! All we need to do is repent and continue on in our” walking out” or” working out” our own salvation. Just to know that grace, power, and ability are provided because of the blood of our Messiah, is encouragement enough to continue walking as He walked. My word to all is never, never, give up! Go for the vision he has planted deep inside you! He will give you ideas and the
anointing to carry out that plan and complete it!

Heb 13:20 Now the Elohim of peace, that brought again from the dead our Master Yahshua, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Heb 13:21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Yahshua the Messiah; to whom be praise for ever and ever. Amen.

Thank you Pam, for sharing with us!

If you would be interested in participating in a future interview, please contact me at sheepmommy @

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