Opening the Word – Phil. 1:27-28


Only, behave yourselves worthily of the Good News of Messiah, in order that whether I come and see you or am absent, I hear about you, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one being, striving together for the belief of the Good News,
without being frightened in any way by those who oppose, which to them truly is a proof of destruction, but to you of deliverance, and that from Elohim.

(Php 1:27-28)

Some practical thoughts

  • We have been saved from the penalty for sin to live a life in obedience to Torah. Our life should clearly demonstrate that.
  • Whether we are with others or alone, our actions should be portraying the same message.
  • We must be solid, well grounded in truth. We must know our Bible.
  • We are not in competition with others sharing Torah and the Scriptures. Rather, we are teammates.
  • The enemy is not fellow believers, but Satan and his workers.
  • The enemy fears and sees his destruction only when we are united.
  • When we are united and fearless as we work for YHVH, we know that our deliverance draws nigh.

What practical applications do you see in this passage?

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