Radios and health

So did you click on this because of the weird title lol?

Actually, this post is about radios, and it’s about health, but not at the same time. So here we go. Radios first.

My radio interview that I told you about last week will be live tomorrow, Tuesday March 12. You can listen in at WAW radio at 7am and 7pm pacific time, or 10 and 10 eastern. I hope you enjoy it. Hey, listen in, even if only to hear what I sound like! 🙂 Be sure to listen to some of the other interviews he has archived there as well.

Secondly, I would like to address health. More and more, I find that we are living on a poisoned planet, and the poisoning is the result of the wicked intentions of mens’ hearts. Many health hazards we are facing are also becoming issues of obedience to Torah as well. I hadn’t addressed health issues on this site very much in the past because I felt it wasn’t really within the theme of Torah family living. But the more I learn, the more I realize that it is. We will be posting health issues and how they relate to Torah observance as we learn about them. To help you educate yourself, I want to let you know about an online seminar starting Mar. 24. It is free to listen to online. There are 35 different speakers addressing various health concerns such as GMO, autism, eczema, pregnancy, hormones, chronic pain, etc. We need to learn to care for ourselves and our families in the natural ways that YHVH intended. If you would like to take advantage of these resources, please sign up through the link below. You will be able to see a schedule of all the speakers. Since it takes place during Passover, be sure to pick the speakers that will be most relevant to you and plan ahead. It’ll be a busy week. 🙂

As a quick disclaimer, I noticed that some of the speakers do not promote kosher diet, namely Sally Fallon and Food Renegade. There may be others as well. I have learned much about proper food preservation from these people, but I want you to be aware that they also endorse pork as healthy food. Also, the link below is an affiliate link. If you choose to purchase permanent copies of the audio and video files, I will receive a percentage. But I definitely encourage you to listen and learn as much as you can for free. 🙂 Signing up and listening during the week of Mar. 24-30 is absolutely free.

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