Who is your God?

Often circumstances can overwhelm us, or I see something disturbing on facebook. Doug will see something on the news and we get a bit scared. We have taken to asking each other a very simple question.

Who is your God?

Immediately we are encouraged. Why?

First, we know who our God is not.

He is not the god of the Canaanites, that cannot move or speak or hear, yet demands the sacrifice of our children. He is not a god that punishes us in future lives by degrading us to an animal. He does not thrive on our violent acts and deceptive speech. He is not some unknown mysterious force that we can never hope to comprehend. He is not the god of humanism, where we must provide our own deliverance.

We know what He is.

He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He chose to give His name to a select people. He promises to keep us under the shadow of His wings. He gave an inheritance, of which the land of Israel is just a part. He fights for His people and defends them miraculously. He chooses to enter into a relationship with His people. He created the universe, and created me. He loved us so much that He was willing to give His only Son to die in our place.

He is also the God of the Mountain. He speaks in smoke and fire and thunder and lightening. His voice sounds like many trumpets. Even  His messengers evoke fear when they appear. He is a God that blesses for obedience and curses for disobedience. He is a God to be feared and revered. We would do well to remember all of His character.

I think of His strength and compassion, His judgment and His mercy. I am awed at His attributes, but above all that, I am thrilled that He is. I have a God! He is real! He moves and speaks and hears. He moves in my life. He speaks through His Word. He hears when His children speak with repentant hearts. He is my God!.

The next time you feel discouraged, or hear or see something scary, ask yourself the question.

Who is my God?

And answer…

He is YHVH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the God of me!

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