Shavuot 2013

Feast days are so special, and each leaves us with unique memories and lessons. I’m excited to be able to share some special moments from our Shavuot this year. 🙂

Anticipation of feast days often gives me mixed feelings. While I love feasts, the idea of a crowd, particularly new faces, can be quite overwhelming for the aspies in my family. So I have a history of anxiety around the feast days. YHVH has been teaching me so much! Passover was a wonderful day this year. It went smoothly and everyone had a pleasant time. That was a super confidence builder for me. It helped me to learn to trust YHVH just a bit more. With Shavuot approaching, I was determined to leave it all in my Father’s capable hands. I was pleasantly surprised when Doug suggested we host Shavuot here!

We have a nice big yard, sandbox, animals, etc. to keep all the kids occupied. We have also been blessed with a tent perfect for setting up tables in the shade. But then the weather forecast showed thunderstorms! I admit I got a little nervous. But I went and cleaned the garage and set up tables in there. YHVH continued to work with me on this whole trust thing. 🙂 All of a sudden the forecast completely changed to sunny and warm! Praise YHVH!

Sunday morning we worked on the food, including 96 pieces of flat bread to use for hamburger buns! When we started to set up the tent, we realized a very critical corner piece was missing! So we put all the pieces away, and decided we would just open the garage door. 🙁 But then Doug got thinking and wandering around in that creative mode he gets in. Soon we found ourselves behind the pole barn looking at scraps of things that came with the property. We found an old ironing board with a T leg that he made into the missing corner! Praise YHVH!

We had such a wonderful day! Please excuse all the exclamation points. I’m just so excited to see how YHVH calmed my heart and provided in so many ways. Doug had been struggling with a terrible headache and was able to just go inside when he needed to, and we had plenty of food and fellowship. Here are some fun things we did:

Isaac played the part of Moses with a shepherd’s staff and two cardboard egg cartons for tablets. My dad read Exodus 20 while we blew trumpets and banged and made a delightful ruckus.

We made flame headbands for all the kids and a couple brave adults, too.

Even my little nephew Levi sported a headband.

We also gathered around to wave some loaves of bread. We went around the circle, sharing our blessings and the things we are grateful for. We have done this every year, and I think it’s one of my favorite parts.

We enjoyed eating and chatting and chasing some goats out of the gathering. lol

Again, I am just so grateful for YHVH’s provision and His ability to calm us and meet our needs. We had another wonderful feast and are already getting excited about the fall feasts! Many blessings to you and your family!


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