Family Torah School 2013 – Day 2


This summer, spend a week with your kids having fun and learning more about Torah, reminiscent of vacation Bible school. This year’s theme is “My favorite farm animals.” The kids helped pick out a farm animal for each day, and everything for that day is loosely tied to the animal. Here you will find a basic plan and lots of ideas to help you have a great week.

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Animal of the Day – Horses

Bible Story

The first Bible story that comes to mind when thinking of horses is the destruction of Pharaoh’s army at the crossing of the Red Sea. This is a story that is well known in any home where Passover is celebrated. But this time, I want to create a slightly different emphasis. We want our children to know who their Elohim is. In Exodus 20 we read, “I am YHVH your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” Other gods cannot speak or hear or do anything for us. Yet our Elohim is an amazing God that loves, protects, delivers, and saves. Spend some time today just relishing His awesome attributes. I would also encourage you to share personal testimony with your children about a time when YHVH showed something amazing about Himself with you. The craft today will expand on this idea.


Give each of your children a shoebox or similar container to decorate with papers, stickers, cutouts, jewels, etc. Allow them to be as creative as they like. They are creating a memory box, into which they can put reminders of all the wonderful things that YHVH has done for them. This may include significant objects connected with an event, or stories written on pieces of paper. You may want to pick a feast day to open this box and remember what YHVH has done.

Alternatively, you may want to decorate one box together as a family and all contribute memories to it.


Whenever we replied with – hey! as children, we were told, “Hay is for horses, but better for cows.” Nevertheless, my snack idea for today is haystacks. I discovered that there are a bazillion variations on this simple idea of piling ingredients together to look like a haystack. So, here is a huge list of variations on Pinterest, to give you some ideas.

Activity Ideas

  • Watch one of various film versions of the story of Moses. I can personally recommend The Prince of Egypt and Moses .
  • Do some “horsing’ around.” Get out in the yard and have some fun with your kids.
  • Give your little children horseback rides.
  • Act out the crossing of the Red Sea with stuffed animals and toys.

Memory Verse List

This list will hopefully give your children enough verses for the whole week. I would recommend printing one for each child and hole punching next to each verse as they are able to recite it. And by all means, have some cute little prizes for them to earn as they learn.

King James Version

Bible in Basic English Version


We hope you enjoy day 2 of our Family Torah School 2013!

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