Pinterest or Polaroid?

I enjoy spending some time on pinterest occasionally. I love looking at the delicious prepared meals and the perfectly decorated rooms. Many bloggers also have a wonderful ability to get lovely photographs, you know, the ones where their children are immaculate and dressed in coordinating outfits. It’s easy to look at these staged photos and assume that they represent actual life on the other side of the computer screen. As a result, we can end up crippled with feelings of inferiority. We know we can never achieve what they have done, so we are tempted to give up trying. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if everyone posted polaroids instead? What if we only saw candid shots from life in other people’s homes?

I have a feeling that if we only saw candid photos, we would soon discover that everyone has struggles. We would find people with financial struggles, insecurities, special needs children, dirty dishes, health problems, and even character flaws! YHVH created us all different, with different gifts and weaknesses, different circumstances and struggles, and yet, He is there with each of us to help us along the way. None of us is exempt from the darker side of life, but we do have YHVH along side us.

Next time you see that magazine quality living room photo, or the picture of children that have never seen a mud puddle, remember that behind that photo is a family that also struggles in their own way. Take each day that YHVH gives you, with its struggles and blessings, and do your best with it. Be thankful that your life is candid. Everyone would be afraid to sit down in that living room anyway. And life is much more interesting with mud puddles!

Have a blessed Polaroid day!

Here are some crazy candid moments from our house. 🙂

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