Not too long ago, my daughter asked me, “Why are we here?” It’s the age old, meaning of life, purpose, wondering what our lives are really about. I have pondered this often myself. It is sometimes hard to see any purpose in life when we see ourselves eating, sleeping, and doing chores over and over and over again. We see people that don’t get enough sleep, food or the ability or opportunity to work. So why are we here, to simply sleep for a third of our lives?
There is a grander scheme. As I have studied Torah and all of Scripture, I have been able to see a bit more clearly just why we are here. We are surrounded by people that look out for only number 1. But Torah teaches us to help our neighbor when they are struggling with a burden. We are to feed the hungry. Yeshua said that He came to give us an abundant life! Torah teaches us to rise above the mundane, to bring compassion to those around us, to bring beauty to a gray existence. Yes, at first glance, life seems very dull and ordinary, but we are here to change that.
I am so excited to introduce this new blog series titled: Building our Homes – Lessons from Nehemiah.
I sat cuddled in my bed one evening trying to decide what to read in my Bible. I actually prayed and said, “YHVH, I love all of Scripture and I know it’s all important. But so much of it seems to be for men. What is in here that will speak to me?” I began looking at book titles and ended up in Nehemiah! As I began to read, I soon realized that Nehemiah had much to say to me as a stay at home mom. Don’t believe me? Join me for this series as we learn from Nehemiah how to take our seeming disasters, our discouragement, and our overwhelming doubt, and turn it into something not only beautiful, but strong.
One of my favorite movies of all time is “Anne of Green Gables.” I have always been fond of Green Gables, and have always wanted to recreate it. Thus far, I have succeeded in living in a home with green shutters and a green roof. Hey, it’s a start lol! Marilla had such an ability with housekeeping. Her home was meticulously kept. She calmly and graciously welcomed Rachel into her home for tea at a moment’s notice. She always seemed to be making plum puffs or bread in that adorable kitchen. My home will never look like that because I have six children and a refrigerator lol, but my home can be a place of beauty, calm, peacefulness, and a place where creativity can take flight. I can rise above the mundane of life and embrace my opportunity as a wife, mother, homemaker and create some beauty in my corner of the world. That’s what this series is all about. Please join us!
4 Responses
Sounds wonderful! Can’t wait to read more!
Sounds interesting – count me in!
I’ll be looking forward to it! Sounds great!
I just came across the Nehemiah series this week and have been reading it as part of my Sabbath worship today. Still have a few more posts to finish up, but am enjoying this. You gleaned much truth from this Scripture, Heidi. I’m asking the Lord what things I can do, though my children are all grown and on their own, to continue building my home — for them and others.