Important announcement

Good morning everyone. I want to say thank you to every single one of you. You are wonderful supportive friends and have given me so much encouragement over the many months I have had this website.

I do need to make an announcement, though. My husband and I, after much prayer, have decided that I need a vacation from the internet for a time. I want to be able to rest and rejuvenate. I want to enjoy this time with Caleb and the rest of my children. I want to grow closer to YHVH and spend more time in His word. So I’m going to take a blogging break.

I will not be posting any new blog posts.

I will be scarce or absent from social media.

I WILL be checking my email once a day. If you need to reach me, this would be the method to use. My email is sheepmommy @

I WILL be filling orders from our store. You are most welcome to order books, etc. I have a good inventory ready.

I WILL miss all of you. 🙂

I WILL be back soon, I anticipate being gone for about a month.

Again, thank you so much for all your support. I’ll be back soon!

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