5 things to simplify this summer

simplify summer

Summer is an awesome time of year. I love being able to walk outside barefoot and hang my laundry outside on the line. But summer can also get a bit hectic and we may crave a bit of simplicity. Here are some areas where you can simplify.

1. Simplify Bible study

Scripture reading should be the foundation of every day. It should be part of your life during all four seasons. I have learned the hard way that I suffer terribly if I leave this out. A day missed here or there may be ok, but a habit of forgetting can leave you in a wasteland spiritually. So, take the time to simply read Scripture together every day. It doesn’t have to be a full blown study or take a long time. Just simply read. We are reading a couple chapters every evening from the book of Matthew. It’s nothing fancy, but we are enjoying the impromptu discussions and learning more about Yeshua.

2. Simplify meals

It’s hot. You’re busy. Make the meal plan simple this summer. You might even consider a rotating meal plan. It has worked quite well at our house. My family knows what day of the week it is according to what’s for dinner, and I always know what to fix. If that seems boring to you, plan ahead several simple side dishes like potato or pasta salad. Make them in the evening when it’s easier to cool the house down and voila, half your dinner is done. 🙂

3. Simplify playtime

In our electronic age, children expect to be entertained constantly. In the winter, I admit that I find it easy to put a movie in after dinner since it’s dark when we eat dinner. But in the summer, get your children outside. Get yourself outside, too. 🙂 They don’t need anything fancy. Leave them in a void and they will figure out how to use their imagination again. I discovered my children building foxholes in the backyard the other day lol. I have been making time to be outside, too. I have been lingering in the garden with Caleb in his baby seat. I have been leisurely hanging the laundry. Enjoy the fresh air and YHVH’s creation. Keep it simple. Just get outside with your children.


4. Simplify health practices.

Lately, my facebook feed has been full of healthy recipes, sick remedies, superfoods, exercise programs. It’s extremely overwhelming, and frankly, a bit stressful. Might I suggest that we get back to basics here, too? This summer, let’s just focus on eating plenty of nourishing and enjoyable foods. Let’s get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Let’s move our bodies with walks in YHVH’s creation. Let’s get plenty of sleep at night. Most importantly, let’s remember that “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Put a smile on your face. It’ll do quite a bit for your health!

5. Simplify home

Summer is the perfect time to be active and tackle projects. Why not take some time to simplify our homes by getting rid of excess? A fun way to do this might be to pick a room of your house. Pretend you’re one of the Ingalls family. What items do you actually use in this room? Are there things in this room that simply exist? Would you pack them on a wagon if you decided to move on? I’m sure we would be able to get rid of quite a few things if we looked at them like this. 🙂

How are you keeping things simple this summer? Please share!

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