Welcome to Torah portion Re’eh

Re’eh means See.

Scripture passage: Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17


Read Aloud from My First Torah

Moses continued to teach the people to prepare them for going into the Promised Land.

They were to destroy the altars and holy places of other gods.

They were to worship and serve only YHVH.

YHVH would choose a place for His Tabernacle.

The Children of Israel could bring their offerings to that place.

They were not allowed to give an offering in another place.

But they could eat meat in any place that they chose, just never the blood.

The Children of Israel were not allowed to learn about how to worship other gods.

They were not to even ask questions about other gods.

Other gods required terrible things like child sacrifice.

Sometimes people would share a dream or do a wonderful thing.

But if that person told people to worship another god, the people were not to listen to him.

The Children of Israel should only listen to people who taught Torah.

Any person who tried to get people to follow other gods was to be put to death.

YHVH is the one true Elohim that brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt.

Anyone who followed other gods was to be destroyed.

But those that faithfully serve YHVH will be blessed!

Moses taught the people about the right foods to eat.

Any animal that has a split hoof and chews its cuds is okay to eat.

This includes sheep, goats, deer, cattle, and antelope.

This does not include camels, pigs, or rabbits.

Any fish that has fins and scales can be eaten.

Any shellfish, squid, or fish without fins and scales is not to be eaten.

Certain birds are good to eat.

But other birds like vultures, hawks, owls, gulls, ostriches, and cormorants are not good to eat.

Any animal that died by itself is not to be eaten, because we don’t know why it died.

We are to give ten percent of our harvest each year.

We are to take that ten percent to the Tabernacle, and eat it there with great joy!

If it is a long journey to the Tabernacle, we can sell our ten percent, or tithe.

We take the money to the Tabernacle and buy more food.

Then we eat it there with great celebration.

Every three years, we gather our tithe and give it to those that are widows, orphans, travelers, and Levites.

YHVH blesses us when we share what we have with those that have less than us.

Every seven years, we let the land rest, by not farming it.

We cancel any debts, which means if someone owes money, they don’t owe that money anymore.

Anyone who had been sold as a servant is also set free.

All our firstborn animals are given to YHVH as an offering.

Every offering must be a perfect animal.

If the firstborn animal is not perfect, we can eat it at our home.

We celebrate Passover every year, to remember how YHVH brought us out of Egypt from slavery.

We keep the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot, to celebrate the wheat harvest.

We celebrate the Feast of Booths, or Sukkot, to rejoice in YHVH’s blessings.

My First Torah is available as a full color paperback.

Suggested Activities

Copywork passage: Deuteronomy 12:1-4

Tracing copywork book for all the Torah portions

Coloring pages: Aish   Challah crumbs

Read aloud stories: Aish

Worksheets for different ages: One Torah for all

Older child studies: Torah explorers   Restoration of Torah

Project Torah portion

Torah together – small group Bible study for each portion, also suitable for families with older children

Lessons in Yeshua’s Torah – a book packed with activities for each Torah portion (affiliate link)

Morah, Morah, teach me Torah – a book written to help you teach preschool children (affiliate link)

Context for Kids

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Deuteronomy/Devarim ideas

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