Torah and finances, an announcement

When we look at Scripture, we find that it has a lot to say about money. From learning to be content, to using fair business practices, YHVH cares how we feel about money, and how we use our money. Since this site, Torah Family Living, is all about helping you to make Torah the center of your home, I will be adding blog posts about finances.

Image by Mircea Iancu from Pixabay

I have small business bookkeeping training, and have spent years working to keep our personal finances in order, and I’m excited to share my knowledge and experience with you. I have a separate finance website that I will be migrating here in the coming weeks, so that you have one stop to find the info you need to help you keep Torah front and center.

This post will be quite short, but I’d like to invite you to leave a comment with the financial questions you may have. Do you struggle with your home’s finances? Do you have your own business, and need some help keeping track of revenue and expenses? Do you need ideas for a side income? Let me know what you are struggling with so I can work on providing answers for you.

In the future, when I have all the posts migrated over, you will be able to find all the financial posts under the heading “finances” at the top of the website.

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