Introducing our children to Yeshua

If you have a similar backstory to me, you were raised in the church and left the church to keep Torah as an adult. It has been quite a journey, am I right? When we came to the understanding that Torah still applies, it was like a whole new world opened up to us. I remember reading the Old Testament and saying, “Wow, I didn’t know that was in there!” I had read through the whole Bible before, but when we are looking through New Testament glasses, we tend to minimize the Old Testament. It’s very important to begin at the beginning and build a solid foundation of Old Testament knowledge.
But, what often happens as we seek to build this foundation, is that we forget there is a New Testament. The Bible is a whole, seamless book, but we are still separating it into old and new. This is very dangerous, and our children are the ones at risk. Entire groups of people are turning their backs on Yeshua as the divine Messiah. I don’t want this to happen to your children.
Image by Lorri Lang from Pixabay
Here are some ideas to make sure your children are properly introduced to Yeshua the Messiah.
  • When teaching your children the weekly Torah portion, look for connections in the New Testament. For example, Hebrews 11 alone has a ton of connections to Genesis. Show your children that the whole Bible is one story.
  • Always look for and point out messianic references. Hint: the first one is in Genesis 1 and further explained in John and Colossians.
  • If your children are independent readers, assign them Bible reading from the gospels. My children work through books of the Bible, a chapter a day.
  • Connect the feasts to Yeshua. Teach about his birth at Sukkot, his death and resurrection at Passover etc.
  • Work on your own relationship with Yeshua. All relationships require work, from your marriage to your bestie. Spend time with Yeshua by reading your Bible, praying, learning to trust, etc. Your children will see.
  • Make sure your children know Yeshua. Don’t spend so much time building the Torah foundation that your children miss the Messiah who the Torah is pointing to.

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