Eyes of Grace – Book Review

I was so delighted to be offered a chance to read this amazing book by the Lampkeeper and offer an honest review. It was exciting to be able to open the package and find fiction inside! I don’t usually allow myself to read fiction, not because I am diametrically opposed, but because I can’t put it down. When I was in high school, my mom provided me with amazing historical fiction books from authors like Bodie Thoene, and I would get about halfway through the book and find myself reading until 2 am. In an attempt to be a responsible adult, I do try to curb late night endeavors like reading fiction. When I expressed my surprise at getting to read fiction, here was the reply I got: “Fiction is good for the soul. It’s a mini vacation. Bonus when it’s Torah Observant fiction!”

So, I set aside a Friday evening to enjoy fiction for the first time in many moons. I read the first twelve chapters in the first night. 🙂

Before I go on, you can find ‘Eyes of Grace’ on Amazon. The author’s pen name is Lampkeeper. (affiliate link)

Compelling Characters

The story follows three characters from quite different walks of life. They are deep, flawed and believable characters with journeys they must take. Of course, Yah is orchestrating in their lives to get them where He wants them.

From the book description:

Gaming enthusiast, Tamsin Foxx, thought she married the perfect man. Handsome and rich, he gave her anything she asked for until the day she unraveled his secrets. Trapped in a dark and twisted world, she dreamed of escape, but will she ever be able to return to the light?

Ex-marine and investigative consultant Tony Pelletti is ready to retire. Presented with the opportunity for one last hurrah, he takes on the job of catching one of the east coast’s most prominent crime bosses before moving to the quiet community of Covenant Cove.

Social media famous world traveler Ian MacGregor has become disillusioned with his life of grand adventure. He’s spent his entire adulthood traveling from hotel room to hotel room. The change he has been looking for may happen sooner than he thinks when he takes a wrong turn and confronts the ghosts from his past.

Torah Observance

This book was written by a Torah observant author, and as a result, you will find Torah observance in the book. It is presented as a natural part of the plot, and I learned a few things along the way! It was refreshing to read a book that was not only clean, but completely in line with my beliefs as well. You will not find any “surprises” here. I’ve downloaded a couple innocent looking books, only to be bamboozled out of left field with inappropriate content. This book is safe.

Deep Plot

This book is the antithesis of a formulated plot. You will have to actually read it to figure everything out, rather than having it all worked out in the first chapter. My daughter Holly is obsessed with world building, character development, and believable plots as she is in the midst of writing her own comic book series. “Eyes of Grace” has her approval for quality fiction.

Get your copy today!

Don’t forget that taking the time to leave a review makes a huge difference in sales for authors. Support The Lampkeeper and other authors by taking two minutes to write a review for them.

If you haven’t yet, I would appreciate honest reviews for my books as well. You can find all my books on Amazon here. You can also leave reviews here on my website. Thank you!

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