In this moment…

I’ve made myself a cup of tea as I wait for the woodstove to get burning good again. I don’t want the house to get cold during the night. Next to me Sadie is finally sleeping. She came down with the flu today. At first I thought she was just being shy because we had company, but when she wouldn’t eat lunch, we knew something was up. As I comforted her after throwing up, I felt like a rather bad mother. I should have noticed she was sick sooner. Then I looked around the house. It was trashed. I was only able to fit half the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. The kids helped pick up some before bed, but it’s not done.

But what can I do in this moment?

As I sip my tea, I take this moment to stroke Sadie’s forehead. That’s important. When we care for the littles, Yahshua says it’s like we are doing it for him.

I took a few moments to stack the dirty dishes that are left. I am not going to attempt them tonight because of the headache I’ve developed, but that moment will help tomorrow.

I took a moment to call my sister who just got some frustrating news from her ultrasound.

I took a moment to pray with Isaac when I tucked him in. That was a moment well spent.

My life is made up of little moments. How I choose to spend each one is important. Did I spend it on people? Did I try to make their lives a little nicer, a little prettier, a little easier to bear?

I couldn’t continue decluttering the house tonight like I wanted to, or write a little in my next ebook like I wanted to. But I was given a few moments. I hope I spent them well.

I hope the few moments I spent writing this were an encouragement to you. You may not have time to do the big things. But you can spend your little moments well.

In this moment…Β Β  what did you do?

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3 Responses

  1. Your heart is inspiring to me, the moments of this week, and yes it is only Wednesday….are hard. Anyway it was lovely to read your post!

  2. Sounds like you were right where you needed to be. Our children will remember more of these simple moments of love and care than we will ever know. I know it is a hard place to be sometis but isn’t like our Father to find ways to speak to us in these slow times when we too need the nuturing.

    I have had many a days of being upset at myself when I should have known my kids were sick, when they are acting off and I just dismiss it as a bad day. I can feel you heart on this issue! I hope Sadie is feeling better.
    You are so right about taking time to look at what we are doing in our “moments” always good to reflect, be thankful and also be purposeful in our times to come.

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