To bring you all up to speed, Ian was born yesterday morning. We were anticipating either dwarfism or downs syndrome. But no one anticipated he would be born with cleft palate and pierre robin (shortened jaw). He is unable to eat as a result. So he was flown by helicopter last night to a big children’s hospital about 5-6 hours away. He has a feeding tube now and is doing well. He will be seeing a plethora of specialists over the next few days. Lisa was discharged a day early this morning and is on her way with our parents to join him. She’s rather uncomfortable, but thankfully has a high pain threshold. Her husband, Andy, had his eye surgery today, and thus far the prognosis is very good. There has been no loss of vision and he will be seeing the eye doctor again in the morning.

It was a stressful, tearful evening, but we were all so happy to wake up this morning to a beautiful sunny sky. YHVH is at work and returning all to order. He is so good and faithful. We are anxious to see what blessings He has in store.

Thank you all so much for your continuing prayers. It has meant the world to us.

Here’s another pic of Lisa with her beautiful new baby.

And what is she looking at?

Facebook on her phone of course!

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One Response

  1. Thank Heaven your sister’s baby is healthy! Awesome! Please pass on my congratulations. Have a great day <3

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