A published author

I finally did it! I wrote an ebook and published it! This has been a dream of mine for about 12 years. There weren’t ebooks back then lol. I will be telling you all about it and telling you about the giveaways we will be having to celebrate. In the meantime, I will let you see the result of our photo shoot. Remember the picture of the girls and I with rags in our hair? It was for the cover photo of my book.

It is officially on its way to Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, etc. All I have left to do is prepare the PDF version. Well, it has been a long and exciting day. Good night, everyone!

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4 Responses

  1. Oh wow Heidi! Congratulations, how exciting!! It's amazing when Yah leads us to fulfill the dreams in our hearts! 12 years is a long time to wait and prepare! I'm looking forward to reading your words and heart shared on the page!
    Luv Donna

  2. I love it and I am so very excited for this book…congrats – I look forward to reading it! :0)

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