Resources for Shabbat

Wow, another Shabbat is almost here! We started early this week to get ready for Shabbat. The big question will be: Can we keep the house clean until Shabbat? Time will soon tell.

This week I’d like to share with you some resources to help you teach Torah to your children. These are a couple of my favorites that I have used in the past and will probably use again. Enjoy!

Torah Explorers – This is a printable resource written by Natan Lawrence. It is geared for children 10 and up. However, I have used it with younger children as a group. It would be well suited to working through during the week as part of the school day.

Aish read aloud stories – I love these stories. They use principles from the Torah portion and write stories about children in modern settings. You can’t help but understand the application of various principles in Torah. We really enjoy these. They also include discussion questions, different ones for different ages. They can be found under the parents and kids column.

What resources do you enjoy for teaching the Torah portion?

You can also check out our more extensive list here.

Do you have a blog where you share about your life as a Torah observant believer? We would love to know about it! We would like to have a page here devoted to others that have blogs about Torah life. If you would like to be added, please let us know. I’m sure it will be a blessing to others. πŸ™‚

Shabbat Shalom to you!


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3 Responses

  1. We are enjoying the worksheets and blog posts from Restoring the Way Ministries right now. We also love the coloring pages from Aish and of course Torah Family Living “My First Torah” and the many resources you have available. We are going to dive into your Children’s Ketubah with our girls during Puirm. I LOVE what you have done with that and we had been waiting to present it to the girls until we were lead to really focus on it.

    Messianic Blogs-especially those with homeschool/family and Torah parsha helps were such a great part of our journey in Torah. With out them I am not sure we could have kept the excitement going.

    1. Thanks for sharing Abbey! I had not heard of Restoring the Way ministries, but they have some great things going on there. Blogs played a huge part in our journey too. πŸ™‚

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