Opening the Word – Phil. 1:12-14


And I wish you to know, brothers, that what has befallen me has turned out for the advancement of the Good News,
so that it has become known to all the palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Messiah;
and most of the brothers, trusting in the Master because of my chains, are much more bold to fearlessly speak the word.

(Php 1:12-14)

Some practical thoughts

  • Difficulties are often for a greater purpose than just me.
  • Believers often arise from unexpected places.
  • Whatever my circumstances, I should be speaking of YHVH, not myself.
  • Whether I want to admit it or not, other believers ARE following my example.
  • I can inspire others to greater growth and obedience, and unfortunately, the opposite as well.

What do you see in this passage, and how can you apply it to your daily life?

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