Healing, Part 4

My heart is very full tonight.  I had hoped this would be my last post on healing, but it is not to be.  YHVH told me to make an appointment with my OB when I began praying for healing.  I went to see her today, and fully expected her to find no scar, and be able to give a testimony.  I did indeed give a testimony.  I told her how I have been praying for healing and she was quick to notice that it seems to be vanishing from one side over to the other.  I explained that I was praying for complete healing and she agreed that it would be healed.  I know I did what I was supposed to do, and a major seed was planted in her heart.  Praise YHVH!  But the scar is not completely gone yet.

But my flesh is tempted to wonder.  Did I miss something?  Did I do something wrong?  I exercised faith.  I repented of my sins.  I confessed YHVH before men.  I have praised Him and thanked Him.  As I prayed, I felt very weak in myself.  I shouldn’t feel this way.  YHVH is so good to me.  But I want this blog to be an honest blog.  Even in the Psalms, David often cried out, not understanding, tired of waiting.  YHVH gave us emotions, and He understands.  Our emotions bring us to His feet.  We can crawl up in His lap, and He rocks us for awhile.  We cry and He comforts us.  He gives us words, fitly chosen just for us.  Here are my words, chosen for me.

Wait on YHVH: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on YHVH.

(Psa 27:14)

My Elohim, my Abba, keeps His promises.  He knows what is best and understands things far better than I do.  I’m going to keep hanging on to his tsı̂ytsith, just like the woman with the issue of blood.  He has healed my scar so much already.  He will finish what He started.  Praise YHVH!

Shabbat Shalom everyone!  Have a blessed and restful day.

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One Response

  1. Shalom – first thank you for visiting my blog, and for the kind words you said. Upon reading your post – I just wanted you to know that I have had some of the same thoughts…well my second comment was regarding living in Michigan, that is where I am from… ;0)

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