Movie review – The Story of Ruth

Our family decided to take the plunge and join a movie club. We settled on Christian Cinema, to be able to get good family films and Biblical dramas. Today, I’m excited to review a movie we recently watched called The Story of Ruth. My children and I enjoy Biblical dramas, particularly for a peek at how people in Bible times really lived. This movie was great, partly because we had never seen a movie about Ruth, and partly because Naomi is always excited to hear the story that she’s in lol.

I would like to point out that this movie, along with practically every Biblical drama, takes liberties.They fill in the story with details that may be feasible,  but not necessarily provable. I have never had a problem with this because I see it as the perfect opportunity to get out the Bible and check facts. We find that we know the story even better as a result. But you will want to use discretion for your family, of course.

The first half of the movie is set in Moab, and gives an unbelievable and sickening view of life in a pagan child-sacrificing culture. Yes, it was child friendly in presentation, but, Wow! I am so grateful for an Elohim that does not require and, in fact, condemns child sacrifice. It is easy to understand how Ruth, once given a taste of a loving Elohim, would leave everything to go with Naomi.

And once she and Naomi arrive in Bethlehem, we see in contrast to Moab, a culture that is trying to apply Torah to all of life. You will hear the law referred to many times in this movie. You will see practical applications of many laws. And you will also see how our human nature fights against us when we try to obey Torah.

All in all, an amazing picture of Torah family living in Bible times! I would encourage you to watch it and take the time to read the book of Ruth. You may also want to look up all the commands referred to in the movie. Can you find them all? Did they use exact wording or did they apply a principle? Did they use a command that isn’t in Scripture?

Also, take the time to do a bit of research on Moab and their god Chemosh. Where did Moab originate? (You will find this answer directly in Scripture.)

You may also enjoy visiting our bookstore where we have handpicked books, movies, and even toys.

Enjoy spending some time with your family learning more about Torah! What movie have you been blessed by recently?

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2 Responses

  1. I put it on our list. We are using Christian Cinema right now too. Also we are doing a bible study using worksheets from Nest Family Learning on Ruth! So we will be happy to watch this soon!

    We recently watched Homestead Blessings:The Art of Herbs from ChristianCinema and my oldest daughter and I LOVED that! What a fun way to learn–with wholesome modest teachers! We look forward to watching more of those!

    1. The Homestead Blessing ones are on our list, too. We’re really enjoying this, thanks for mentioning it on facebook.

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