Time for repentance

My husband, being a pilot, looks up at the sky a lot, and always has. Lately, he has seen some interesting and perhaps alarming things. It has also become quite clear that as we look around us, troubling times are ahead. YHVH tests and judges His people first, before He deals with the world.

I’ll admit, yesterday I snapped. I had let a lot of fear and stress build up and hadn’t even realized it. After all the crying and emotions, Doug was able to help me start sorting things out. I came to the conclusion that there is one response we should always have to times like these.

That is repentance.

We should be on our knees, on our faces, searching our hearts for anything that displeases our Master. Even if we think we have everything under control, this is such an important thing to do. Even Daniel prayed a prayer of repentance. Job was guilty of the sin of self righteousness.

I obviously need to start with the sin of fear. I said to Doug yesterday, “But think of all the things that could happen! And I’m pregnant!” Doug looked at me and said, “So YHVH can’t protect you because you’re pregnant?” OUCH! I can see the truth of that now, but I certainly couldn’t see it when I said it.

It’s hard to find the time to search your heart when you’re a full time mom. You don’t make much progress in 5 minutes. But this is the time to repent. This is the time to make sure we are right with our Creator. If we neglect this, anything else we accomplish is for naught. We have to make the time to set ourselves to this all important task.

I am committing to use that bit of quiet time after the kids are in bed. This means I will have to be diligent with their bedtime. YHVH has already shown me that fear is something I must deal with head on. It must be replaced with trust.

How about you?

What part ofΒ  your day can you commit to repentance and seeking the inner parts of the heart? Are there sins that He has already revealed to you?

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2 Responses

  1. Shabbat Shalom! Thank you so much for this! I just found out last weekend that I am pregnant and until I read this I didn’t realize that I even had any fear. I now see that I was fearful about my job and being concerned about having another miscarriage. Praise Yahweh for showing me this! I pray your pregnancy is going well!

    Yahweh will supply your every need according to His riches in Glory by Yahshua Messiah. Phillipians 4:19

    1. Congratulations, Karen! May YHVH bless you and your baby in this pregnancy. Fear is such an easy thing to slide into, isn’t it? I often need to pray for His strength to help me trust Him, and He is faithful! πŸ™‚

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