A great Shabbat

I’m so glad to be able to post something again! My internet is working much better today, and I’m very thankful. Forgive me if I sound a bit rambling today, but I’m just excited lol. Also, please forgive the lack of pics. My little 8 MP camera is giving me trouble. I think it might be time to upgrade.

I’ve been wanting to add a bit more structure to our Shabbat. It’s been a long winter, and everyone is getting a bit bored. It’s hard to send the kids outside when it’s sooo cold outside. So, this past Shabbat, I worked on preparing a few things so we could have a longer study time and some hands on fun. Here’s what we did.

After lunch, we started with the first lesson from Shabbat School curriculum. I printed it out ahead of time and put it on my handy dandy clipboard. We included everyone, even Daddy and Gramma. We learned a Hebrew word – shema- and talked a lot about not only listening, but obeying. We played ‘telephone’ to illustrate the importance of paying close attention. We even had everyone practice writing the new Hebrew word and illustrating it. It was a very enjoyable lesson.

We also went through about a page of a study on Shabbat. You can find it here. It basically takes you through all of Scripture to  see what it actually says about Shabbat. I think this is a good idea to review periodically.

The kids were able to finally spend a little time outside. We are so thankful that the temps are taking an upward trend. 🙂

Us grownups were able to have a lovely time discussing various Scripture topics. We also did our best to keep technology off until late afternoon when the sun was heading to bed. That really makes a big difference in the atmosphere, so I would encourage you to turn things off if possible.

So, there’s a summary of our wonderful Shabbat last week. I’m praying you each have a wonderful time this weekend, particularly with Purim happening this weekend, too!

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