Evidence based faith

We are called to walk by faith.

The just shall live by faith. Hebrews 10:38

Sometimes the meaning of faith can be rather elusive, though. We may get the picture of some invisible force holding our hand as we stumble along blindfolded. This picture is what you might call blind faith. I have come to the conclusion that this is not the faith YHVH requires of us.

I have slipped into worry several times during this pregnancy. Worry is a sin. I would define it as the opposite of faith. We are taught by Yeshua that worry will not add one inch to our stature. So, worry is futile at best and a sin at worst. Yet, I and so many others continuously fall into this trap.

I have spent many occasions huddled in my closet crying. YHVH always gave me the same message, only two words –

Trust me.

And I tried. I really did. But it wouldn’t be long before something would worry or upset me once again. I would cry out YHVH and He would give me the same message again. OK, sometimes I’m a slow learner. It wasn’t until recently that I finally asked the right question.

How do I trust you?

Then the pieces started coming together. YHVH showed me what faith really is.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Faith has substance and evidence to back it up. We believe that YHVH created the world, not with blind faith, but because of the evidence we see outside our back door. Everything around us points to a divine designer. YHVH asks us to trust Him based on His character, His promises, and the evidence He provides us.

First, YHVH showed me that faith is based on evidence. Then He showed me the evidence. Every time I had worried about something with this baby, He had given me facts but I wasn’t paying attention.

  • When I struggled with spotting early on, YHVH allowed me to hear a good strong heartbeat.
  • We were concerned about the location of the placenta due to previous c-sections. YHVH provided a way for me to get a quick ultrasound to confirm that the placenta was nice and high.
  • Baby was hanging out in a breech position. YHVH enabled that baby to turn and I was able to feel that little butt for myself.
  • I was getting concerned about the potential for jaundice since all six of my children have had it. YHVH directed me to an article and then a great discussion with my midwife to help me understand jaundice better.
  • We have definitely worried about preterm labor since our last baby Noah tried to arrive at 34 weeks. My midwife provided me definite steps to help prevent it.

Are there still unknowns? Absolutely! But YHVH has given me a trail of evidence that proves His faithfulness. He has provided answers to all my questions. I can trust Him to provide the answers to my future questions. That is evidence based faith. Even though we cannot see into the future, we can look back at what YHVH has already done, and know that He will provide for us in the future.

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2 Responses

  1. Amen, amen, amen, Heidi! And here’s a wonderful passage I cling to when my head tells me that there must be evidence but yet I cannot see it: 2 Kings 6:15-17.

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