Welcome to Torah portion Kedoshim

Kedoshim means Holy

Scripture passage: Leviticus 19:1-20:27


Read Aloud from My First Torah

YHVH wants His people to be set-apart, different from wicked people.

How do we do that?

Honor and respect your parents.

Keep the Sabbath as a special day.

Do not make statues of gods and worship them.

Don’t harvest all your crops.

Save some for the poor, so they can eat, too.

Respect other people and their property.

Don’t steal or lie.

Don’t use YHVH’s name to make a promise that you don’t plan to keep.

Treat your neighbor kindly and fairly.

When someone does a job for you, pay them quickly.

Be kind to those that are handicapped, especially those that are blind or deaf.

Be fair when making a judgment, and don’t make a decision based on whether a person is rich or poor.

Don’t make up lies and gossip about other people.

Don’t hold on to grudges and hatred.

Deal with problems honestly and openly.

Treat those around you the way you would want them to treat you.

Don’t put two different kinds of animals together to make a new kind of animal.

Don’t mix two kinds of seeds to make a new kind of plant.

Don’t mix wool and linen in the same outfit.

Treat your servants with respect.

Wait until the fifth year before eating fruit from a tree.

Don’t get involved with anything that includes witchcraft.

Give honor and respect to your children.

Keep the Sabbath and show respect to the Tabernacle.

Don’t get involved with fortune telling.

Stand up when an older person comes into the room.

They are deserving of honor and you show your fear of YHVH when you honor those that are older than you.

Do right for those that are strangers.

Remember that you were once a stranger in Egypt.

Be honest when you buy and sell.

Never, ever sacrifice your children to a false god.

YHVH will fight against you if you do.

YHVH wants you to be set-apart and holy.

Keep His commands.

Treat other people fairly and with respect.

Love YHVH and do not follow other gods.

My First Torah is available as a full color paperback.

Suggested Activities

Copywork passage: Leviticus 19:1-4

Tracing copywork book for all the Torah portions

Coloring pages: Aish   Challah crumbs

Read aloud stories: Aish

Worksheets for different ages: One Torah for all

Older child studies: Torah explorers   Restoration of Torah

Project Torah portion

Torah together – small group Bible study for each portion, also suitable for families with older children

Lessons in Yeshua’s Torah – a book packed with activities for each Torah portion (affiliate link)

Morah, Morah, teach me Torah – a book written to help you teach preschool children (affiliate link)

Context for Kids

Get more ideas on Pinterest!

Leviticus/Vayikra ideas

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