James 1:5-8 Lesson plan

Looking for a simple way to incorporate some Scripture and simple learning into your homeschool? These worksheets and resources are just the thing. The worksheets can be downloaded by simply clicking on the button under the worksheet heading. They have a verse for copywork, and some simple science or history related activities to go with the verse. I have also included links to additional coloring pages, videos, and activities that will go along with the verse. Today’s lesson is all about James 1:5-8.

All verses are from the Webster Bible, translated by Noah Webster in 1833, and part of the public domain.

James 1:5-8

If any of you lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given to him.

But let him ask in faith , nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing from the Lord.

A man unsettled in his opinions is unstable in all his ways.

James 1:5-8
Image credit: CSG Ltd https://www.cheapsurfgear.com/

Character lesson

In this passage, we learn a few very important life lessons. We learn the importance of wisdom, which is the right use of knowledge and the ability to discern the most just, proper, or useful course of action. If we would have wisdom, we only need to ask YHVH to give it to us, and He will give it to us generously.

However, this passage also teaches us that we need to be firm in our beliefs. It has been said, “You need to stand for something, or you will fall for anything.” If we are wishy-washy, constantly changing our mind, easily swayed by others, then YHVH has no interest in helping us. We need to not only stand for something, we need to stand for the truth we find in Scripture.

We need to be firm in beliefs such as:

  • YHVH is the One true God who created the world.
  • Yeshua is the Messiah who died for my sins and rose again.
  • Life is valuable and precious.
  • Shabbat is a gift and we honor YHVH by keeping it.
  • We need to treat others as we want to be treated.

What other beliefs can you think of that we should stand for?


This week’s worksheet has copywork for James 1:5, and will have you exploring various aspects of hurricanes. You may want to work on part of the worksheet after watching the hurricane video I included below.

**Note to parents: Teaching our children Torah and how YHVH wants us to live should be part of each school day, but it can feel overwhelming knowing how to start and how to go about it. I created a simple system called Torah Learning Made Simple to help you get started this week.

Further learning

Find lots of homeschool books at our used bookstore here.

This passage describes unbelieving, faithless people as waves in the sea, tossed by the wind. There are many kinds of storms and catastrophes in nature, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, and earthquakes. But, there are only a few that take place out on the water. The most notable ocean storm is a hurricane.

What kinds of weather and storms do you get where you live? What do you need to do to prepare for those storms? It’s important to have some plans in place ahead of time. We get thunderstorms, and occasionally snowstorms, that can knock our power out. So, when we find out a storm is moving in, we fill our water jugs, set out candles and a lighter, and make sure the toilets are flushed. We also turn off electronics like the computer. Take a few minutes to review the actions you need to take as a family before a storm.

This article describes what it’s like as a hurricane approaches and dissipates.

What it’s like to experience a hurricane

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Build your own weather station

Below are some links to instructions to build your own simple weather stations with items from around the house.

DIY weather station for kids to make

Easy homemade weather instruments

How to make a barometer

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