Praise YHVH for my husband!

I want to take a few minutes and praise YHVH for my husband. 
DISCLAIMER: He’s still a little rough around the edges, but I love him anyway!
I’m very thankful for how he has stepped up to the plate in recent months.  We got a satellite to watch God’s Learning Channel back in January, and since then, I don’t even always recognize him:)  YHVH has a hold of his heart and is speaking to him and teaching him.  He is faithfully praying for us and making sure the kids sit down and listen to the Torah portion every Sabbath.  He has been telling me how he appreciates my work around the house, and the time I spend helping him with his projects.  (This is a recent development, much appreciated.)  He even sat down with our son, Isaac, today, and told him to respect mommy, his wife. 
Thank you, YHVH, for giving me such a wonderful man to travel through life with.  He shows his weaknesses to me, asks for prayer, and apologizes when he’s wrong.  I just hope I am learning to be as good a wife as he is learning to be a good husband.
Who are you thankful for today?

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2 Responses

  1. I am so glad to hear you have been blesses with a wonderful husband, I think it is a rarity these day's unless the man is walking closely with YHVH! I have also been blessed with a wonderful husband!PRAISE YAH!!!!

  2. Heidi, I am rejoicing with you! Praise Yah! His timing is always perfect.

    blessings ~ Carmen

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