Healing, Part 1

This is about my prayer for healing. Let me give you a little background first. My first baby was born by c-section. My next three were vbacs. Then I had another c-section. I want to have as many children as YHVH blesses me with. My birth history is beginning to work against me.

July 3, 2010, I listened to part of a teaching by Thurman Scrivner. It is called “The Tongue” and can be found at https://tlsm.org/ListenOnline.cgi. His teaching got me thinking. I have spent my entire life basically not believing in modern healings. Healing ministries were considered frauds. Healings only took place at the time of Yahshua. But Thurman was showing scripture that very clearly says YHVH wants to heal us.

But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.
(Isa 53:5)

Heal me, O YHVH, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.
(Jer 17:14)

If those scriptures are true, then healing is accepted as a matter of fact in scripture. If our five senses don’t line up with scripture, then we need to go with scripture.

Wow, that is amazing! I had this overwhelming sense to ask YHVH to remove my c-section scar and any evidence of a c-section. I prayed the scriptures, claiming them for myself. Talk about a spiritual rush. But the next morning, my scar was still there. Now, looking back, I know that YHVH was planning to use this to teach me a great many things. So the scar was still there, but noticeably softer to the touch. I soon learned that when YHVH heals, he doesn’t always do it instantaneously. Does that make the scriptures not true? No, we just have to keep believing scripture, even though our eyes are telling us something different.

You see, if by Yahshua’s stripes we are healed, then my scar was removed 2000 years ago, when Yahshua took my place on the tree. It’s already done. The natural world just has to catch up with the spiritual.

Praise YHVH! I’ll continue my story in the next post, and I hope it will be a blessing to you.
Shabbat Shalom, everyone!

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