Homeschool philosophy – intro

I am a second generation homeschooler, meaning I was homeschooled and now I am homeschooling my own children.  My mom and I have spent many hours discussing this and that aspect of education.  Then we went to the trenches and tried it out.  Perhaps some of you homeschooling for the first time would appreciate a little insight from someone who’s been there, from both sides of the desk, as it were.  (ok, kitchen table)

If you find my well organized ramblings helpful, great!  I have fulfilled my destiny.  πŸ™‚
If you think I’m crazy, well, that’s ok too.  I fully respect your use of the circular file.  (trash bin)
If anything, I get to write down all my ideas and insights and experience.
I hope you enjoy it.

My next installment will be titled:  My Roots.

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3 Responses

  1. looking foward to your insights Heidi! I'm always interested to hear how those who didn't have to endure school are educating their own children πŸ™‚

  2. Can't wait to hear more. My husband was homeschooled in highschool and we are planning to homeschool our children.

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