Psalm 1

psalm 1

Looking for a simple way to incorporate some Scripture and simple learning into your homeschool? These worksheets and resources are just the thing. The worksheets can be downloaded by simply clicking on the image. They have a verse for copywork, and some simple science or history related activities to go with the verse. I have […]

Printable Passover card

printable passover card

Sometimes we get so caught up in technology that we lose the charm of the old-fashioned way of doing things. In an era where email is the standard, getting an actual card in the mail is a rare treasure. Today, I’d like to encourage you to return to the old-fashioned ways and send a card […]

Cleaning with a planner


*This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small percentage of any sale, but your price remains the same. Thanks for your support! Now, on to the post. You just pictured actually cleaning with a planner, didn’t you? Wipe, wipe! Actually, I want to show you how I keep track of my cleaning with a […]

Exodus 35:2 lesson plan

Looking for a simple way to incorporate some Scripture and simple learning into your homeschool? These worksheets and resources are just the thing. The worksheets can be downloaded by simply clicking on the image. They have a verse for copywork, and some simple science or history related activities to go with the verse. I have […]

Isaiah 40:31 lesson plan

Looking for a simple way to incorporate some Scripture and simple learning into your homeschool? These worksheets and resources are just the thing. The worksheets can be downloaded by simply clicking on the image. They have a verse for copywork, and some simple science or history related activities to go with the verse. I have […]

Praying long term


Prayer changes things. You have probably seen amazing answers to prayer in your own life. But, what happens when the answer doesn’t come as quickly as we would like? What do we do then? Let’s talk about it. It’s easy to pray a quick prayer and see an answer. It’s not too hard to pray […]

Sunshine and rain

sunshine and rain

**This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Have you ever woke up in the morning, looked out the window to see storm clouds and rain, and then snuggled right back in under the blankets? Yeah, me too. The weather can have a […]

Bottle cap magnet Omer counters

We are instructed in Scripture to count 50 days from the Shabbat during Feast of Unleavened Bread to the next feast day, which is Shavuot! Shavuot is also called the Feast of Weeks, which makes perfect sense, since we count 7 full weeks, and celebrate on the following day. This can be a fun, engaging […]

Prep Day FAQs

We’ve all been there. We learn about the Torah and how all of Scripture stills applies. We learn that we need to keep the Sabbath on the seventh day. Then we hear about this thing called Preparation Day. At first glance, and even after trying to keep Shabbat for weeks or months, preparation day can […]

Using a planner for growth


Focusing on spiritual growth in our lives is essential. Without an intention to become more like our Saviour, we become stagnant and completely blind to our faults. We are instructed to work out our salvation, which does not mean that we save ourselves, absolutely not! Rather, we are to listen and obey, continually striving to […]