Sprouted lentils


This isn’t really a recipe, but we are so excited about sprouted lentils that we wanted to make sure you know how to make them, and what to do with them when you do. You can sprout several different kinds of seeds and beans, but lentils are one of our favorites, followed by mung beans. […]

Simple spaghetti


Need a quick, satisfying meal to feed everyone? This is how we do spaghetti at our house. It’s simple and very affordable. Spaghetti sauce 2 cans crushed tomatoes 28 oz. 1 can tomato paste 12 oz. 3 Tab italian seasoning 2 Tab salt 1 Tab minced garlic Stir all this together in a saucepan a […]



Welcome to Torah portion Balak Balak means Balak 🙂 Scripture passage: Numbers 22:2-25:9 Read Aloud from My First Torah The Children of Israel camped near Moab. Balak, the king of Moab, and all the Moabites were very fearful of Israel. So Balak sent a message to Balaam, asking him to curse Israel, so they would […]

Crockpot refried beans

We love refried beans! We eat burritos every Friday, and canned refried beans are not only expensive, but the ingredients can be undesirable. There’s a little free kitchen tip for you! Do your best to replace canned goods with homemade to save money, and to keep your ingredients simple and healthy. In a home with […]

Versatile rolls or buns


This is a recipe I have used for years because of its tremendous versatility. This one recipe can give you 24 dinner rolls, 24 burger buns, 2 French bread loaves, 3 baguettes, etc. No, you don’t get all of those. You have to pick lol. This recipe is also great in the bread machine. Versatile […]



Welcome to Torah portion Chukat Chukat means Statute Scripture passage: Numbers 19:1-22:1 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH had explained to the people that some things make a person unclean, like touching a dead body. Touching a dead body was not sinful, but the person needed to be cleaned before they could approach the […]

Simple flat bread recipe


This is my go to flat bread recipe. We use it for bread, pizza, burger buns, etc. It’s simple, straightforward and very versatile. Flatbread Recipe 4 cups flour (I use a combination of white and wheat) 2 tsp salt 1 1/2 cups water 2 TBS olive oil Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl […]



Welcome to Torah portion Korach Korach means Korah Scripture passage: Numbers 16:1-18:32 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH kept showing the Children of Israel how to obey. But some of them still chose to disobey. Korah, from the tribe of Levi, gathered 250 men and went to speak against Moses and Aaron. They thought […]



Welcome to Torah portion Shelach Shelach means Send Scripture passage: Numbers 13:1-15:41 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH had the people send twelve spies into the Promised Land, one from each tribe. They were told to go up into the hills. They needed to find out what the land was like, where the people […]

Why do I keep Torah?

keep Torah

I’ve never written a post like this before, since I have always assumed that people who find my site already know to keep Torah. My job is to help them teach their children, and see the implications of keeping Torah in everyday family life. But, I have realized that, at some point, we each need […]