

Welcome to Torah portion Behaalotcha Behaalotcha means When you set up Scripture passage: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Read Aloud from My First Torah After the Israelites had been out of Egypt a whole year, YHVH reminded them that it was time to celebrate the Passover again. They kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first […]



Welcome to Torah portion Naso Naso means Take up Scripture passage: Numbers 4:21-7:89 Read Aloud from My First Torah Moses counted all the sons of Kohath, from the tribe of Levi. They had a very special job in the Tabernacle. Whenever the Israelites traveled to a new camp, the Kohathites packed all the items from […]

A visual way to study the Bible

I have shared in the past several ways to study the Bible. It can be easy to read a chapter in Scripture and not really grasp what you just read. When I was young, and the Old Testament was simply a house for stories like Jonah, Daniel, and Father Abraham, it was easy to read […]



Welcome to Torah portion Bamidbar Bamidbar means In the wilderness Scripture passage: Numbers 1:1-4:20 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH told Moses to count the Children of Israel. Each tribe was counted, but only the men that could go to war. The tribe of Rueben had 46,500 men that were at least 20 years […]

How to save a homeschool day gone bad

bad day

We all enjoy those lovely days when everyone gets up well rested with a smile on their face. We are surrounded by teachable moments and the children just can’t wait to learn another amazing fact. But, let’s face it. Sometimes, everyone is screaming. Mom is exhausted. The house is a mess. Homeschooling is not the […]



Welcome to Torah portion Bechuchotai Bechuchotai means In my statutes Scripture passage: Leviticus 26:3-27:34 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH is a wonderful and powerful Elohim Who can bless us when we obey and curse us when we disobey. YHVH knows what is best for us, and what will hurt us. When we obey, […]



Welcome to Torah portion Behar Behar means On the mountain Scripture passage: Leviticus 25:1-26:2 Read Aloud from My First Torah We keep the Sabbath every week, and the land gets a Sabbath every seven years. We plant and harvest, prune and gather fruit for six years. On the seventh year, we do not plant, harvest, […]

Consistency versus perfection


One of the hardest things to figure out as a homeschooler is whether or not we’ve done enough. I hope the questions in my last post helped you to evaluate the environment you are providing and the subjects you are covering. But what happens if I know it’s a worthy subject and I’ve missed days […]



Welcome to Torah portion Emor Emor means Say Scripture passage: Leviticus 21:1-24:23 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH gave rules just for priests, since they had the job of caring for the Tabernacle. They had to be very careful who they chose to marry. They were to stay clean and able to work in […]



Welcome to Torah portion Kedoshim Kedoshim means Holy Scripture passage: Leviticus 19:1-20:27 Read Aloud from My First Torah YHVH wants His people to be set-apart, different from wicked people. How do we do that? Honor and respect your parents. Keep the Sabbath as a special day. Do not make statues of gods and worship them. […]