Shabbat Shalom video

We had fun putting together these “sleeping” pictures for you! Enjoy your rest this Shabbat!

Clean up games

Getting ready for Shabbat each week can often feel overwhelming. We need to prepare all the food ahead, and clean the house enough so that it is pleasant to be in for a day. This can be a tall order if left until Prep day. We have been starting our preparations earlier in the week […]

Building our homes – Lessons from Nehemiah – ch. 2:9-20


Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem and immediately met with opposition. Sanballat and Tobiah were greatly displeased that anyone would dare to come and check on the people of Israel. As a result, Nehemiah wisely kept his intentions to himself. The first thing he did was secretly survey the situation. This involved going out at night to […]

Mothers – to be or not to be

  I recently came across an article that left many people upset in its wake. It was written by an Amy Glass and summarized her feelings about marriage and child raising. I haven’t linked to it here, partly because it is nothing but filthy nonsense, and partly because I don’t want to spend hours trying […]

Building our Homes – Lessons from Nehemiah – ch 2:1-8


Last time we looked at Nehemiah, we spent some time in prayer and repentance. We asked YHVH to bless us in our next step, but we didn’t know what that next step would be. Yet. In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was before him, I took up […]

Creating my birth sukkah – 2

Gramma and I got quite a bit done on my birth sukkah this week! I really wanted to create the atmosphere of a tent. Also, we’re working in a garage with building materials leaning against the walls and a concrete floor. Translation: lots of things to hide. Answer: curtains! Please forgive my not so perfect […]

Building our Homes – Lessons from Nehemiah – chapter 1


 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hacaliah. Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Susa the citadel,  that Hanani, one of my brothers, came with certain men from Judah. And I asked them concerning the Jews who escaped, who had survived the exile, and concerning […]

Creating my birth sukkah – 1

Just a warning: This post and the ones following in this series will probably only be of interest to women that are pregnant or plan to have more children. A big sorry to the rest of you, but, hey! This is where I’m at right now! Birth is one of those experiences where the more […]

Building our Homes–Lessons from Nehemiah–Introduction


Not too long ago, my daughter asked me, “Why are we here?” It’s the age old, meaning of life, purpose, wondering what our lives are really about. I have pondered this often myself. It is sometimes hard to see any purpose in life when we see ourselves eating, sleeping, and doing chores over and over […]

Finding a constant in a crazy world

I’ve had a very emotional week. I’m five months pregnant, and that’s not an excuse. It’s a reason. Some things you might understand. There are other things that I wouldn’t even attempt to explain to the mouse in my pocket. After spending half an hour crying and praying while hiding behind the clothes in my […]